The inner 3 planets of the New IP "Vos Seer" by Jumpgate Customs

Immerse Yourself in the Rich Universe of Vos Seer from Jump Gate Customs

Introduction to Vos Seer

Vos Seer is a richly woven tapestry of worlds revolving around a dying sun, shielded by ancient and mysterious alien technology. At the heart of this star system lies the secret to its survival: three cosmic elements, each found on one of the inner three planets. The system itself is a complex interplay of politics, cultures, and constant threats, with inhabitants striving to coexist amidst a backdrop of uncertainty and wonder. Unbeknownst to its inhabitants, the creation of this shield also brought about the Rift, a veiled world that coexists with Vos Seer and has profound effects on its reality.

The Inner Planets and Their Guardians

The three inner planets—Arconea, Xeres, and Kor'Vah—are the cornerstones of the Vos Seer system. Each planet is home to a unique race, custodians of one of the vital cosmic elements that form the shield around the dying sun.

Arconea, a planet of grandeur and tradition, is governed by the Arconians. These beings are distinguished by their disciplined society, ruled by a council representing the twelve noble houses. The Arconians' stewardship over Celestium, a powerful element, underscores their importance in the cosmic balance. The element’s luminescent properties are not just a source of energy but also a symbol of their enduring legacy and the light they bring to the darkening system.

Xeres is the domain of the Vehx, a race marked by their complete red eyes and hair, embodying a fierce and zealous nature. Governed by a theocracy, the Vehx are led by their spiritual leaders, known as the Heralds. The planet's element, Aetherium, is a volatile and dynamic force, reflecting the passionate and often unpredictable nature of its guardians. The Vehx believe in their divine right to control and protect Aetherium, which they see as a gift from their gods, crucial for the maintenance of the star’s shield.

Kor'Vah, the serene and mystic world, is home to the Seers. These enigmatic beings are known for their wisdom and deep connection to the cosmos. The Seers' Council of Elders governs with a gentle yet firm hand, ensuring that the planet remains a sanctuary of knowledge and enlightenment. The element Stellarite, with its ethereal and stabilizing properties, is under their care. This element is crucial for the balance of the shield and the harmony it brings to the entire system.

The creation of the shield with these three elements also caused a rift in reality, creating a veiled world known as the Rift World. This world exists simultaneously and in the same location as Vos Seer but remains hidden from its inhabitants. The ancient alien race responsible for the shield was pulled into the Rift, their fate unknown to the current inhabitants.

The Outer Planets and Their Inhabitants

Beyond the inner planets lie the outer worlds, each contributing to the rich mosaic of Vos Seer. The outer planets—Solara, Null'va, Kreaeth, Arais, and Valos—are as diverse in their cultures and governments as they are in their landscapes.

Solara, the beacon of human resilience, is inhabited by the Solarians, descendants of humans abducted from Earth 200 years ago by an unknown race of aliens. These aliens used humans for labor and sustenance, taking them to a world just within the boundaries of the Expanse. After two centuries of captivity, the aliens abruptly vanished, leaving the humans to fend for themselves. Amidst the chaos, a leader named Lirien emerged, guiding the disoriented humans to an uninhabited planet they named Solara. Under her cosmic charisma and leadership, Solara developed a Triumvirate-style government, which now governs their efforts to survive and thrive. Solarians are characterized by their white hair, a trait that unites them, while those with black skin exhibit a unique mutation—light blue eyes without pupils—caused by their exposure to a mineral they mined during their captivity. The Solarians' technology is a mix of grimy, poorly maintained alien tech, and slowly evolving innovations as they leverage the knowledge acquired during their enslavement.

Null'va is a world shrouded in tyranny, ruled by a despotic lord. The inhabitants of this planet live under strict control, with chaos and fear being the primary tools of governance. Despite its oppressive regime, Null'va plays a significant role in the system's political landscape, often through manipulation and sheer force.

Kreaeth is the home of the K'rijei, a race known for their cunning and adaptability. Governed by an aristocracy, Kreaeth's society is one of intrigue and shifting alliances. The K'rijei are skilled diplomats and traders, navigating the complex web of interplanetary politics with ease. Their world is one of contrasts, with opulent cities and dangerous wildlands. Kreaeth is also the source of Galvoriin, a rare metal that, when combined with the three cosmic elements, can create the Rift Blade. This blade has the power to send those it cuts into the veiled world, making it an artifact of immense power and danger.

Arais stands as a beacon of progress and innovation, governed by a technocracy. This planet is known for its advancements in technology and science, often leading the way in developments that benefit the entire system. The inhabitants of Arais are driven by a desire for knowledge and improvement, always seeking to push the boundaries of what is possible.

Valos is characterized by its balanced and stable society, governed by an aristocracy. Its neutrality and strategic alliances have made it a key player in maintaining peace and order in the system. The people of Valos value tradition and honor, and their world is a testament to their enduring legacy.

The Expanse and Dark Expanse

Beyond the outer planets lies the Expanse, a region filled with mystery and potential. It is sparsely populated, with A-kelm being one of the few known worlds. The nature of its government and alignment remain unknown, adding to the mystique of this distant place.

Even further lies the Dark Expanse, home to the enigmatic and dangerous Swarmers. These rogue aliens pose a constant threat to the system, their motives and origins shrouded in mystery. The Rift is driving the Swarmers mad, causing them to be more aggressive and active, much like how a full moon affects some animals on Earth. They strike without warning, leaving devastation in their wake, and their presence is a source of perpetual fear and vigilance for the inhabitants of Vos Seer.

Challenges and Alliances

The system of Vos Seer is a delicate balance of power, with each planet playing a crucial role in maintaining the stability of the star’s shield. The inner planets hold the key to the system’s survival, while the outer planets contribute to its cultural and political richness. The Solarians, with their newly established government and tentative alliances, strive to carve out their place in this complex world.

The relationships between the planets are intricate and often fraught with tension. Alliances are formed and broken, driven by the need for resources, security, and survival. The Solarians’ growing relationship with the mystic Seers is a beacon of hope, suggesting that cooperation and mutual understanding might pave the way for a brighter future.

The Vehx’s zealous guardianship of Aetherium and the Arconians’ disciplined stewardship of Celestium ensure that these elements remain secure, but their interactions with other races are often marked by suspicion and conflict. The Seers’ wisdom and the stabilizing influence of Stellarite are crucial in mediating these tensions, but the path to harmony is fraught with challenges. The Seers, with their exclusive ability to rift walk using their technology and psionics, can travel to the veiled world for short periods. This ability makes them incredibly deadly in battle, allowing them to move between realities and take up advantageous positions.


Vos Seer is a world where every planet, race, and element plays a vital role in the grand cosmic design. The ancient shield protecting the dying sun is a testament to the ingenuity and cooperation of its past inhabitants, but its future relies on the current generation’s ability to navigate the complexities of their interconnected existence.

The journey of the Solarians, from their abduction and enslavement to their emergence as a determined and innovative society, is a story of resilience and hope. Their alliances with other races, particularly the Seers, highlight the potential for unity and shared purpose in the face of adversity.

As the inhabitants of Vos Seer continue to explore their world, uncover its secrets, and build their future, they are reminded of the delicate balance that sustains them. The cosmic elements that shield their sun are not just a source of power but a symbol of their interconnected fate. In this intricate dance of survival and cooperation, the story of Vos Seer unfolds, offering endless possibilities and challenges for those who call it home.

The Rift World, veiled yet ever-present, serves as a constant reminder of the unknown and the potential dangers lurking just out of sight. As more secrets of the Rift are uncovered, the inhabitants of Vos Seer must be prepared to face the challenges that come with this hidden reality, striving to maintain the delicate balance that keeps their world safe.